Sim Racing

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Sim Racing

Post by BigBlueDart » December 20th, 2024, 3:50 pm

**Mods, if this should be in the Sandbox instead, feel free to move. It's not the usual Sandbox material, but it's not Aggie sports either.**

I have been lurking in the shadows, watching review videos of sim racing gear for the better part of a year. While I may have gotten close to getting some lower end gear to get started, I never pulled the trigger. Well, I ended up with a perfect storm of having a lump of cash in my account and some impressive Black Friday deals coming up, so I jumped in the deep end of the pool. I ordered an aluminum profile rig and seat, a triple monitor stand (along with three monitors) and a full set of gear (steering wheel, wheel base, pedals, shifter). The last packages should be arriving tomorrow, and I'm probably going to be setting things up starting after I "open" them Christmas Day.

I'm just curious if anyone else in our Aggie brotherhood has jumped down this moneypit rabbit hole, as well. It would be really fun to have a casual racing league with other Aggies. Plus, I'm sure I will need a lot of pointers from somebody as I get started in all this.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by QuackAttackAggie » December 20th, 2024, 3:51 pm

I'm preparing to jump into sim golf instead but my situation is complicated and I'm not sure I can make it work

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by Aggies1888 » December 20th, 2024, 4:06 pm

Sounds pretty cool! Would be great to see pics of the set‐up when you're done. I'd love to jump into both myself, I may or may not have already measured the garage several times. 😁 Can't afford either yet

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by BearLakeMonster » December 20th, 2024, 4:34 pm

There used to be a console racing game in the old "Bull Pen" arcade and billiards hall in the Taggart Student Center in the early 90's that was a ton of fun. Bucket seat, five-speed manual transmission with brake, clutch, and gas pedals on the floor. The steering wheel gave haptic feedback on turns and wrecks. It was a ton of fun. I spent lots of lunch money on that one.

I haven't dared to get into the tech that's available now, but it sure looks crazy fun. There are organized leagues out there, support squads, and everything.

Definitely post pics and let us know how it goes.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by flying_scotsman2.0 » December 20th, 2024, 4:50 pm

Very cool! I went to the Ford museum recently and they have about a dozen racing simulators set up similarly with 3 55” screens. The seats also move around as part of the simulation. Very cool. They’ve got VR that they are setting up to replace the monitors, however, which will probably be even more immersive.

I also have a friend with a rig. He’s put $8k into it. I’d love to get into it, but def not spending that much in the near future. He loves it though. I want to see the finished product!

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by Yossarian » December 20th, 2024, 6:01 pm

My brother-in-law built an outbuilding at his house to add a golf simulator/ movie room with couches and recliners. I have not played it but my kids all have. And the neighbors are always over there to play the simulator. It seems like the type of thing that the novelty wears off quickly and other people get more use out of it than you do.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by dirtnsnow » December 20th, 2024, 6:22 pm

Someday I'll do a multi axis setup that can do both racing and flight simulations. Probably not anytime soon though.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by Hoot » December 21st, 2024, 6:28 am

If you don’t end up racing actual cars like the guy from Gran Turismo then this experiment was a a failure.
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Re: Sim Racing

Post by trevordude » December 21st, 2024, 12:17 pm

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by CastIronAggie » December 23rd, 2024, 7:02 am

I have the pedals/steering wheel and vr headset. It's pretty cool for Dirt Rally and American Truck simulator. Would love to setup the whole multi-axis feedback system though. Wish I got more time to hop on and play. It's been gathering dust this last year.

I've been thinking of getting my dad a setup now that he's retired so he can live out his dream of being a trucker listening to conspiracy podcasts all day.
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Re: Sim Racing

Post by usugoalie13 » December 23rd, 2024, 8:10 am

I have Iracing. Great simulator. Lots of different cars and tracks. I don't have some fancy set up, just a steering wheel and chair but it works. Still makes for a good time.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by Hoot » December 23rd, 2024, 8:17 am

CastIronAggie wrote:
December 23rd, 2024, 7:02 am
I have the pedals/steering wheel and vr headset. It's pretty cool for Dirt Rally and American Truck simulator. Would love to setup the whole multi-axis feedback system though. Wish I got more time to hop on and play. It's been gathering dust this last year.

I've been thinking of getting my dad a setup now that he's retired so he can live out his dream of being a trucker listening to conspiracy podcasts all day.
I read once that Twin Falls Idaho is brutal in a truck simulator.

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Re: Sim Racing

Post by BearLakeMonster » December 23rd, 2024, 8:32 am

Hoot wrote:
December 23rd, 2024, 8:17 am
CastIronAggie wrote:
December 23rd, 2024, 7:02 am
I have the pedals/steering wheel and vr headset. It's pretty cool for Dirt Rally and American Truck simulator. Would love to setup the whole multi-axis feedback system though. Wish I got more time to hop on and play. It's been gathering dust this last year.

I've been thinking of getting my dad a setup now that he's retired so he can live out his dream of being a trucker listening to conspiracy podcasts all day.
I read once that Twin Falls Idaho is brutal in a truck simulator.
My buddy Earl still has nightmares about the downhill slope into Pagosa Springs, CO.
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Re: Sim Racing

Post by tipitup » December 23rd, 2024, 10:31 am

i once rode in a F4 simulator at hill field!! crashed it immediately
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Re: Sim Racing

Post by BigBlueDart » December 26th, 2024, 2:39 pm

Planning to work on aligning those monitors just right. Probably a lot of messing around with settings in games and possibly adjusting positioning of hardware and the feel of the brake pedal, etc. But the thing does work. Earlier this morning I got my lap time at Laguna Seca in a Mazda MX-5 down to 2:10.
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