Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

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Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by ProvoAggie » January 12th, 2025, 9:09 pm

If you don't have any and want to be there I'd recommend getting them now. ... 4f9f6708d6
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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by Foolonthehill » January 13th, 2025, 12:22 am

Is the ticket office following a formula for how many days in advance they will start selling single game tickets?

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by Roy McAvoy » January 13th, 2025, 6:57 am

What is the strategy behind this? Why not just list all single game tickets for sale now?

Like sdsu for example, why wait?
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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by aggies22 » January 13th, 2025, 7:09 am

Roy McAvoy wrote:
January 13th, 2025, 6:57 am
What is the strategy behind this? Why not just list all single game tickets for sale now?

Like sdsu for example, why wait?
Why wait at all? Just open every game up as the season starts.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by LarryTheAggie » January 13th, 2025, 7:31 am

Roy McAvoy wrote:
January 13th, 2025, 6:57 am
What is the strategy behind this? Why not just list all single game tickets for sale now?

Like sdsu for example, why wait?
Price discrimination.

By opening up the cheapest single game tickets last you are are encouraging people to buy more expensive multigame tickets first. Some people that are buying multigame tickets wouldn't buy tickets for multiple games if they had an option for buying single game tickets, but are happy to buy multigame tickets since at least now they are the cheapest option.

Also, by doing it the way that they are they are creating a sense of urgency and excitement about getting tickets. Which increases demand and hopefully revenue.

To the economist in me, it sounds like we finally got someone that knows what they are doing making decisions with ticket sales.
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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by NVAggie » January 13th, 2025, 7:38 am


My dang adult kids keep messing up my plans to get up to a game. I think the best shot for me is the UNLV game in Vegas this week which is much closer to me.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by ProvoAggie » January 13th, 2025, 7:43 am

Roy McAvoy wrote:What is the strategy behind this? Why not just list all single game tickets for sale now?

Like sdsu for example, why wait?
They're trying to sell multi game packages. If you want SDSU that bad then they also want you to buy Air Force and San Jose.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by EngineeringAggie » January 13th, 2025, 7:57 am

I always wondered if it was a way to make it harder on ticket scalpers to come in and flip the tickets for a profit. That way they have to check the website weekly. I think what others have described about it being more profitable makes more sense though.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by LarryTheAggie » January 13th, 2025, 9:53 am

EngineeringAggie wrote:
January 13th, 2025, 7:57 am
I always wondered if it was a way to make it harder on ticket scalpers to come in and flip the tickets for a profit. That way they have to check the website weekly. I think what others have described about it being more profitable makes more sense though.
In some ways in might make it easier for scalpers. You can buy discounted tickets for 4 games early and sell them at higher prices to people looking for single game tickets before they become available. But there is really no economic reason that the school should care about that.

Though it might also make it easier for the University to adjust the prices for single game tickets. If by the time they release single game tickets there are only 1000 seats left and stubhub tickets are going for 80 dollars, USU could justify raising there tickets to higher prices
But if there are 5000 seats left, and tickets are 5 dollars on stubhub maybe the school lowers prices to try to get a sell out. Not sure if that is what they are doing. But it would allow the school to collect the profits that might otherwise go to scalpers.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by Dkdavis » January 13th, 2025, 10:15 am

EngineeringAggie wrote:
January 13th, 2025, 7:57 am
I always wondered if it was a way to make it harder on ticket scalpers to come in and flip the tickets for a profit. That way they have to check the website weekly. I think what others have described about it being more profitable makes more sense though.
I feel like the university does take measures to thwart ticket scalpers to an extent. I think this is part of the reason why they reserve blocks of seats and don’t release them till the day or two before the game.

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Re: Nevada tickets are on sale and going fast.

Post by SectionBAggie » January 13th, 2025, 10:26 am

Just picked up some tickets for out-of-town family to see UNLV. Not many blocks of seats left.

UNM looked like they had one block of three which was the largest block stll available. Several 2s and 1s. But not open for purchase until next week. (Not sure the agent really looked everywhere.)

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