Polls / Rankings

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Polls / Rankings

Post by treesap32 » November 9th, 2010, 4:38 pm

Under the STATS dropdown I suggest you have a section linking to some rankings and polls. You could create a 3rd column on the right side for "Polls/Rankings" and list them there (just an idea).

You could link to the AP & Coaches top 25 polls for basketball and whatever BCS type polls for football. I would use those links.

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Re: Polls / Rankings

Post by treesap32 » November 9th, 2010, 4:39 pm

Pollstalker would be a fun link under this section as well. :devil:

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Re: Polls / Rankings

Post by Aglicious » November 9th, 2010, 7:20 pm

This is a good idea, we do need something for a third column under 'Stats' and this fits the category. I think they would be well used links!

While I'm thinking about it (with the Media Menu); I would like to add 'Podcasts' under 'Radio' much the same as 'Newsletters' under 'Newspapers' since they are related and then add links to the podcasts of the coach's show, Aggie Call, and move the Woodshed over there. This makes sense as I don't see radio growing to anything more than what is there.

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Re: Polls / Rankings

Post by treesap32 » November 9th, 2010, 11:32 pm

Sounds like a good plan.

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