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Post by ChicAggie » November 4th, 2010, 1:24 pm

I'm sure this is something I could get used to over time, but already in the last couple of days I have hit "Save" instead of "Submit" probably 3 or 4 times -- thinking I was posting a thread only to realize later that my post was never submitted.

Perhaps the buttons could be reordered or something -- since who ever really uses the "Save" option? My inclination would be to move the Save button well off to the right so it cannot be accidentally hit, and change the name of the "Submit" button to "Post," with "Post" first and "Preview" second (does anyone ever preview their post before they submit it?).

IRONIC NOTE: I just did the same damned thing on this post -- accidentally hitting Save instead of Submit without really thinking about it.

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Post by BigBlueDart » November 4th, 2010, 1:39 pm

I wouldn't mind a reordering or renaming of the buttons, but I do sometimes use the Save and Preview buttons when I'm trying to do any tricky formatting of a post (like when I post a table).

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Post by AGinNEIowa » November 4th, 2010, 2:09 pm

I use Preview quite a bit

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Post by ProvoAggie » November 4th, 2010, 2:32 pm

I have separated the buttons onto separate rows and changed the top one to Publish Post. Hopefully this makes it easier for you.

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Post by treesap32 » November 4th, 2010, 4:21 pm

BigBlueDart wrote:I wouldn't mind a reordering or renaming of the buttons, but I do sometimes use the Save and Preview buttons when I'm trying to do any tricky formatting of a post (like when I post a table).
How does the save button work? I assume you want to use it in case your browser crashes or something? But then how would you get back to your saved draft? Is it located somewhere that you can come back to? I'm just kind of confused....

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Post by BigBlueDart » November 4th, 2010, 7:54 pm

treesap32 wrote:How does the save button work? I assume you want to use it in case your browser crashes or something? But then how would you get back to your saved draft? Is it located somewhere that you can come back to? I'm just kind of confused....
You're saved drafts can be found in your user control panel. It can be useful if you've just got a big post that you're working on, or one in which you're spending some time messing with the formatting. For instance, if I keep posting my stats tables I might make a template and save that for future posts.

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Post by treesap32 » November 4th, 2010, 8:14 pm

BigBlueDart wrote:
treesap32 wrote:How does the save button work? I assume you want to use it in case your browser crashes or something? But then how would you get back to your saved draft? Is it located somewhere that you can come back to? I'm just kind of confused....
You're saved drafts can be found in your user control panel. It can be useful if you've just got a big post that you're working on, or one in which you're spending some time messing with the formatting. For instance, if I keep posting my stats tables I might make a template and save that for future posts.
Ah.. Very cool.

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Post by ChicAggie » November 4th, 2010, 10:38 pm

Have I mentioned that you guys are awesome?

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