Big Blue Chat app

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Big Blue Chat app

Post by TheOpportunity » March 14th, 2011, 9:56 pm

Not sure if this has been posted before in here, but how about devloping a Big Blue Chat app to make it more user friendly? i know that there are other chat apps out there. I don't know how difficult these would be to develop, but it may be worth looking in to. i know i was looking to get on big blue chat in the car on the way back from vegas to get in some of the selection sunday talk but i couldn't.

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Re: Big Blue Chat app

Post by ProvoAggie » March 14th, 2011, 10:02 pm

The Chatroom has a mobile version. If you are logged in on your phone and go to the Chat page then you'll see a button to launch the mobile chat. It is optimized for iPhone and Android devices. I've used it several times and it actually works quite well.

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