Wrong time posted for SJSU football game

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Wrong time posted for SJSU football game

Post by BigBlueDart » November 13th, 2010, 12:49 pm

The schedule is showing me that the SJSU football game is at 4pm today. Based on what is on the official website and ESPN, that game is at 6pm MST. The only place that 4pm works is Alaska. ;)

I wasn't sure if you manually entered the schedules or if they are automatically generated. If this was just a typo no biggie, but I just wanted to make you aware in case you had a bug in your code or something.

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Re: Wrong time posted for SJSU football game

Post by ProvoAggie » November 13th, 2010, 1:40 pm

The schedule is completely manual. Thanks for letting me know. It has been fixed.

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