Board is slow..

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Board is slow..

Post by CPAggie » November 4th, 2010, 10:11 am

I'm using IE8. Scout site was fast. This site is slow to open new forums and topics. I get tired of waiting. Anything I can do about it?

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Re: Board is slow..

Post by ProvoAggie » November 4th, 2010, 10:58 am

The performance of the site seems to go up and down. We are planning on switching over to a better hosting plan that should be able to better handle the traffic during peak times. Hopefully everything will be moved over in the next few days. Right now, the performance seems to fluctuate between being faster than Scout to being slightly slower than Scout. We are committed to making sure that the site performs well though and we'll be doing anything necessary in order to get it running at top speeds.

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