Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

All fixed bugs are moved here.

Do you like the new editor?

Poll ended at June 12th, 2013, 8:53 am

Yes, keep the new editor.
No, dump the new editor.
I really don't care one way or another.
Total votes: 17

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Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by ProvoAggie » June 11th, 2013, 8:53 am

About a week ago I added a new editor to the message board that allows you to see rich text (bold, italic, underline) as you edit it. It also allows you to copy and paste formatted text directly into the site. So far I've gotten some mixed feedback on it and I want to get a better gauge everyones opinion of it. I am going to run this poll until sometime tonight so please vote for if you want to keep it or not. Tonight I will decide if it stays or goes based on the results of this poll.

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by Socrates2121 » June 11th, 2013, 9:55 am

Just wanted to say thanks again for all you do for the board. The format of this board is incredible and it's through things like this that it'll stay that way.

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by ProvoAggie » June 11th, 2013, 12:53 pm

Based on this poll and some problems that have been pointed out, I've decided to remove the Rich Text Editor for now. It may return in the future...but not until it can be improved.

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by Aglicious » June 11th, 2013, 1:00 pm

Damn you 7 people that didn't care...have an opinion one way or another! Oh wait...I was one of those... :oops:

Hopefully the development of a solid WYSIWYG editor for phpbb will be available in the near future.

I must now go have a private moment with my YouTube button that is back...

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by treesap32 » June 11th, 2013, 1:13 pm

Aglicious wrote:Damn you 7 people that didn't care...have an opinion one way or another! Oh wait...I was one of those... :oops:

Hopefully the development of a solid WYSIWYG editor for phpbb will be available in the near future.

I must now go have a private moment with my YouTube button that is back...
God bless the old editor's youtube button in all it's glory. :notworthy:

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by ProvoAggie » June 11th, 2013, 1:21 pm

The editor that was used is the one that's being planned right now for the next release of phpBB...that's why they have BBCode support to begin with. Hopefully they can work out some of the small things.

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by AGinNEIowa » June 11th, 2013, 4:25 pm

it's not even night yet in Iowa.
-just sayin....

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Re: Rich Text Editor (Please Respond to Poll)

Post by ProvoAggie » June 11th, 2013, 4:29 pm

AGinNEIowa wrote:it's not even night yet in Iowa.
-just sayin....
I'm sure it's night somewhere...just not in the US.

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