Google Search?

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Google Search?

Post by AggieAddict » February 20th, 2013, 8:54 pm

Just curious about this but how come this site never comes up when doing google searches? I'll sometimes do searches with a limited time frame that i know have been talked about on this site but it never shows up on google. Is this done on purpose?

If its done on purpose then I'm fine with it i just thought it was a bit odd.

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Re: Google Search?

Post by ProvoAggie » February 20th, 2013, 9:20 pm

The site itself comes up very well in Google. In fact if you search for Utah State Message Board, we are now the top 2 results...we finally passed up the scout board. That being said, Google doesn't appear to be indexing the message board portion of the site and I'm not sure why. I'll do a little bit of research and see if I can find out what is going on. I've done some SEO to get the rest of the site up in the rankings but didn't ever notice that the board was being ignored.

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Re: Google Search?

Post by AggieAddict » February 20th, 2013, 9:27 pm

Ya the second part is what i mean.

For instance ill type "tommie robinson" into google and limit the results to the past week. He has been talked about on here plenty so i would think this site would pop up in the results but it never does when i search stuff like that.

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Re: Google Search?

Post by ProvoAggie » February 21st, 2013, 8:51 am

Apparently, phpBB by default doesn't give search engines the ability to view it's content. I've updated it so that Search Engines now have Read Only access to most of the message board (It can't see the Sandbox or Website Support areas) so hopefully the search engines will pick up the message board soon.

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Re: Google Search?

Post by treesap32 » February 21st, 2013, 8:59 am

Cool. This will be a good addition ProvoAggie.

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Re: Google Search?

Post by AggieAddict » February 26th, 2013, 4:10 pm

Nice, good work Provo.

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