YouTube URL Parameters

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YouTube URL Parameters

Post by CodingAggieBlue » July 15th, 2014, 10:16 pm

I was hoping to embed the following video in response to madmaxvol's post about the cfb trophy.

However when I went to preview my post, nothing showed up. I modified my URL as follows: ... 37&end=255. This tricks the inserted Javascript code into embedding my URL. However, it still strips off the other URL parameters.

I wanted to use the YouTube URL parameters described here. Specifically I wanted to use the start and end parameters to limit which section of the video would play. I believe that this can be done by modifying the code as follows:

Code: Select all

Disabled language="Javascript">
	var allowedparams = ['start', 'end'];
	var usedparams = '';
	var a = '';
	var temp = new Array();
	temp = a.split('?');
	variablestring = temp[1];
	variables = variablestring.split('&');
	for(var i in variables){
		variable = variables[i].split('=');
		if(variable[0] == "v"){
			videoId = variable[1];
		} else if (allowedtags.indexOf(variable[0]) > -1) {
			usedparams.concat('&' + variables[i]);
	document.write('<iframe style="z-index:1;" title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="' + videoId + '?wmode=transparent' + usedparams + '"' + ' frameborder="0" wmode="Opaque" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="' + a + '" class="postlink-local" target="_blank">Watch on YouTube</a>');
The result is the following URL: ... 37&end=255. This adds the functionality I'm looking for, but doesn't drastically change how things are currently working.

I recognize that not all YouTube parameters are desirable (such as autoplay). You can limit what parameters are accepted using the allowedparams array.

Note, I haven't actually tried to run the code above so it might not work as-is. You might also need to do some additional sanitizing of variablestring to prevent code injection. However, the general idea should work. Any thoughts?

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Re: YouTube URL Parameters

Post by treesap32 » July 16th, 2014, 7:53 am

I would love to be able to control start and end time in our embedded youtube vids.

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