retina buttons?

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retina buttons?

Post by QuackAttackAggie » June 24th, 2013, 6:34 pm

Any possibility of getting retina buttons? it's a small thing and I don't really care, but every time I look at the "quote" button, I get dizzy on my fancy retina screen. Again, no big deal, but I will take my 8,200 posts elsewhere if this isn't fixed by the end of tomorrow.

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Re: retina buttons?

Post by ProvoAggie » June 24th, 2013, 6:50 pm

QuackAttackAggie wrote:Any possibility of getting retina buttons? it's a small thing and I don't really care, but every time I look at the "quote" button, I get dizzy on my fancy retina screen. Again, no big deal, but I will take my 8,200 posts elsewhere if this isn't fixed by the end of tomorrow.
This probably won't be happening for quite some time. There are ways to implement them into websites but there still isn't really a standard for it and it hurts performance. When phpBB decides to implement it natively then it will come....maybe before but probably not.

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Re: retina buttons?

Post by Aglicious » June 25th, 2013, 6:45 pm

QuackAttackAggie wrote:Any possibility of getting retina buttons? it's a small thing and I don't really care, but every time I look at the "quote" button, I get dizzy on my fancy retina screen. Again, no big deal, but I will take my 8,200 posts elsewhere if this isn't fixed by the end of tomorrow.

Well then,


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Re: retina buttons?

Post by NVAggie » June 25th, 2013, 8:48 pm

Your right, no big deal. Now GTFO.

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Re: retina buttons?

Post by AGinNEIowa » June 25th, 2013, 9:00 pm

QuackAttackAggie wrote:Any possibility of getting retina buttons? it's a small thing and I don't really care, but every time I look at the "quote" button, I get dizzy on my fancy retina screen. Again, no big deal, but I will take my 8,200 posts elsewhere if this isn't fixed by the end of tomorrow.
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Re: retina buttons?

Post by QuackAttackAggie » June 25th, 2013, 11:56 pm

NVAggie wrote:Your right, no big deal. Now GTFO.
My right? You're right my right!

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Re: retina buttons?

Post by QuackAttackAggie » June 25th, 2013, 11:57 pm

AGinNEIowa wrote:
QuackAttackAggie wrote:Any possibility of getting retina buttons? it's a small thing and I don't really care, but every time I look at the "quote" button, I get dizzy on my fancy retina screen. Again, no big deal, but I will take my 8,200 posts elsewhere if this isn't fixed by the end of tomorrow.
Threat or Promise?
I'm taking three of my seven sockpuppet accounts with me

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