Password Help

If you are having a problem with the website, this is where you post it. Please include your operating system and web browser to help us figure out what is going on.
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Password Help

Post by goaggie28 » October 27th, 2013, 9:14 pm

Luckily my computer logs on automatically. But, I'm having troubles remembering my password for mobile devices. How can I get it reset.



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Re: Password Help

Post by ProvoAggie » October 27th, 2013, 9:49 pm

The password reset tool requires you to enter your current password. You can either PM me or send an e-mail to provoaggie (at) usufans (dot) com and I can reset it for you to something else. The password change page is located in the User Control Panel. You can go directly there with this link:

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